Research lies at the centre-point of ICPK. As a research and education oriented organization, it conducts a number of researches as a routine activity. Generally the research areas cover the contemporary issues in social science, business and technology. Interested researchers, academicians, and professionals can also attend the research projects run by ICPK.

Research Funding

ICPK provides funds to a number of research projects every year. Interested researchers are instructed to form a research group of which the number of members should not exceed five. Groups are asked to submit the research proposal to the director at along with the prescribed application from. An amount equivalent to USD 300 (lump sum) will be given to each selected research group. The final research paper will be published in the journals run by ICPK. Interested researchers are requested to submit their proposal before December 10 of every year because selection process and financing are completed before December 31 (once a year).